Scripture supports after Ian
As Hurricane Ian closed in on Florida, then the southeastern coast of the United States, weather broadcasters offered a steady stream of expert advice on how to prepare. Now that the storm is past, and ...
What's cooking? Ingredients for life
Congratulations, graduates, you're on your way! Whether leaving high school, college, graduate or trade school -- you have worked hard and achieved much! Parents, friends, family, God and even strangers ...
What (or who) gives?
My delight in earning a graduate degree in theology this spring has given way to a desire to downsize. I'm not planning to move but am eager to simplify my life and give many things away, good things ...
Unique times for a really unique person: Mom
The pandemic has overshadowed much of the "usual" news in the world, but there is one thing it cannot, absolutely must not, take the spotlight from: Mother's Day! In fact, remembering Mother's Day this ...
Keeping the balance: Health and faith
The COVID-19 ("coronavirus disease 2019") situation began to unfold just as I was diagnosed with a significant flare of one of my autoimmune conditions and had to go on a very high dose course of prednisone, ...
Happily humble: Virtue in a competitive world
To me, two of the most striking and humbling passages in the Bible are from Mark 14:53-65 and Mark 15:1-5, where Jesus is grilled first by the Temple hierarchy and then by Pilate about his identity. By ...
Joy from the inside out
The crunch is upon us! Christmas is near, and there is too little time, too much to do and still more to come. We're supposed to shout, "Joy to the world!" but the actual feeling of joy might seem quite ...
Scammed no more!
The time I spend to write this column was supposed to have been spent with a friend whom I have not seen in years. But she had to cancel her visit because a computer hacker took over her invaluable laptop, ...