... we will be able to pray together in many parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Boston later this month when the International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima returns to us from March 22 to April 5, 2025.

''Shall we lose hope?" It is a temptation to look around the world today and fear that the fragility of humanity is being held together by only a thread, and yet, when we gaze more discerningly upon the fabric of these threads, we begin to see these threads interwoven by a divine and abiding ray of hope -- one might even say a glimmer of the rainbow of the original promise -- made by GOD in the very moment of Original Sin.
In fact, just as the history of the church, and that of the world, might see the ensuing times of current tribulations and strifes as somewhat apocalyptic, we must not project too much into the course of world affairs but rather embrace the Divine Revelation of hope extended to all humanity and clearly promised in the Book of Genesis: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed" (Gn 3:15).
Yes, when the fall of our first parents left us -- and all the world -- so weakened, God did not abandon us but rather promised us his son as savior through the woman who was to become his mother. She is the one whom the Scriptures -- and a multitude of saints -- point to as the chosen vessel to hold his message of hope, especially in times of great adversity. In fact, it is through her Immaculate Heart that the Lord wants us to return to him and enter into his reign of peace.
And since no one knows this precious gift of peace more perfectly than the Mother of God, it makes sense that he would choose to send her -- time and time again -- through a multitude of appearances, and most prominently so in the church-approved Message of Fatima, when she appeared to the three little children seers (now saints) Sts. Jacinta and Francisco Marto and Venerable Sister Lucia dos Santos, to call us back to Him.
Her messages to the children over a series of months (May-October 1917) included numerous important aspects but the predominant request made in each apparition was to request the daily praying of the holy rosary. She told the children that her son wanted to establish devotion to her Immaculate Heart, through which he would usher in the so-desired "reign of peace" (cf. Message of July 13, 1917).
Yet, the fulfillment of this "reign of peace" comes with a request not only of the children of Fatima but of all of us, all of mankind. Yes, for peace to come upon the world, we -- especially Catholics -- are called to pray this simple yet powerful devotion of the holy rosary for peace in the world and an end to all wars. And who would not agree that there is no better time than now to take up this request!
But must we do this alone? No! In fact, we will be able to pray together in many parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Boston later this month when the International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima returns to us from March 22 to April 5, 2025. This statue was crafted and blessed in 1947 by the Bishop of Fatima and represents how Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia when she revealed herself as the Immaculate Heart. The statue has traveled the world ever since and has been seen by millions of pilgrims.
This special statue will be available for all to come and pray in front of during the many hours of public and personal prayer in many of our archdiocesan parishes (please see the schedule of her visitation in this issue of The Pilot). Please join us -- with family or children, friends or as a prayer group -- to pray the rosary for peace.
Yes, this is an important time for our church and our world, for all peoples and all nations, to gather with Our Lady and offer a most simple prayer, one that is so easily accessible to all people. May the Immaculate Heart of Mary soon reign in our hearts and the hearts of all peoples!
- Father Edward Riley is a faculty member of St. John's Seminary and spiritual director of the World Apostolate of Fatima in the Archdiocese of Boston. He also serves as the liaison for the Office for Homeschooling of the archdiocese.
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